大概有五個朋友都叫我開部落格,我想了一年,就開了。 香奈兒女士說的好: 「時尚並不只單單存在於美麗的服裝裡。時尚可以藏在天際之中,在街上。時尚牽扯到創意,我們的生活方式,還有那些正在發生的事。」這個部落格,即是如此。
Some of my friends have been telling me to write a blog, so I just did. Coco Chanel speaks fashion in this: "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." I do this blog thus and so.
- Mar 14 Mon 2016 22:52
湶壽司 izumi by sumi
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 23:07
- Feb 28 Sun 2016 21:24
Office by Mastro
- Feb 19 Fri 2016 22:20